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1390 leather laser cutting machine

A list of these 1390 leather laser cutting machine articles makes it easy for you to quickly access relevant information. We have prepared the following professional 1390 leather laser cutting machine, hoping to help solve your questions and better understand the product information you care about.
  • How does the leather laser cutting machine work
    [Company News] How does the leather laser cutting machine work
    The CO2 laser beam in the leather cutting machine is focused into a small spot so that the focal point achieves a high power density, quickly converting photon energy into heat to the degree of vaporization, forming holes. As the beam on the material moves, the hole produces a narrow cutting seam co
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  • Advantage of 1390 leather laser cutting machine
    [Company News] Advantage of 1390 leather laser cutting machine
    Along with the progress of society and the development of science and technology, leather products are being more widely used in various applications. Leather products not only create infinite value, but also play an indispensable role in daily life, such as for clothing, shoes, gloves, sandals, fur
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